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Tiny Wings2.3其它语言苹果ios手机游戏下载

Tiny Wings 2.3_ios游戏

You have always dreamed of flying - but your wings are tiny. Luckily the world is full of beautiful hills. Use the hills as jumps - slide down, flap your wings and fly! At least for a moment - until this annoying gravity brings you back down to earth. But the next hill is waiting for you already. Watch out for the night and fly as fast as you can. Otherwise flying will only be a dream once again.

Tiny Wings was chosen as the iPhone Game of the Year in App Store Rewind 2011 in Europe and many other countries.?Thank you Apple and a big thank you to all Tiny Wings fans!

? simple "one button" (ok... maybe "one tap") arcade game about the dream of flying?
? the world is changing every day - so it does in this game! Procedural generated graphics will make "tiny wings" look different every day you play
?? Two game modes: "Day Trip" and "Flight School"
? iPad only: Split screen multiplayer!
? upgrade your nest by fulfilling tasks
? Play as the mama bird or one of her four children
? 25 hand-designed levels in the new "Flight School" mode
? iCloud support (even syncs your game between the iPhone & iPad versions)

- iPhone X support
- the app is now universal
- split screen multiplayer on any iPad
- bugfixes

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