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S-Contact 2.0.0简体中文苹果版app软件下载

S-Contact 2.0.0_ios

  • 分类:社交
  • 大小:4MB
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 版本:2.0.0
  • 时间:2022-04-26 15:40:01
  • 星级:
  • 官网:暂无
  • 厂商:
  • 平台:ios
  • 标签:


S-Contact is a simple, practical and intuitive mobile application, that exchanges personal and professional contact information between mobile devices.

The S-Contact application is the first application of it`s kind to incorporate NearByte`s revolutionary data transmission using sound.

Once the application is installed, you just have to fill out your S-Contact business card with the information you`d like to share in meetings and events.

To send your S-Contact business card, you activate the application, approach your device to another one and press the SEND button. The other device also has to be running S-Contact.

The card is sent and received on the S-Contact application itself. If you wish, you can save the information on the card to the Contacts on your smartphone.

S-Contact is compatible with most smartphones (Android / iOS) available on the market.


1- Fill out your S-Contact business card within the S-Contact app.

2- To send your S-Contact business card/contact, approach your device to another and press the SEND button. The other device should should also be running the S-Contact application.

3- Wait for the sound to finish, indicating the end of the transmission.

4 - The information is sent, received and saved on the S-Contact application. You can also save all the information received in your smartphone`s contacts if you wish.

The S-Contact application uses NearBytes, the most innovative technology of data transmission using sound【更新日志】
Nova interface.

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