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Peach 1.2.3:英文苹果版app软件下载

Peach 1.2.3_ios

  • 分类:社交
  • 大小:14MB
  • 语言::英文
  • 版本:1.2.3
  • 时间:2022-07-18 10:18:23
  • 星级:
  • 官网:暂无
  • 厂商:
  • 平台:ios
  • 标签:


Life is filled with words, pictures, places, and songs worth sharing. Sometimes, a GIF says it all. When you put these things together, expressing yourself is faster, easier, and more fun.

Peach lets you share what you feel, think, see, hear, and do—vividly. Peach connects you with friends and gives you freedom, so you can keep up with each other in a real and personal way.

Peaching is just like texting, but better. Some words you type are magic words that give you quick access to all sorts of things to share, from drawings, links, and GIFs, to the weather, your current location, what you're watching tonight, how many steps you walked today, and much more.

* Post to your profile or chat with your friends privately.

* Need inspiration for what to post? Tap the lightbulb for new ideas every day.

* Let someone know you're thinking of them by sending a wave, slice of cake, 100, boop, kiss, hiss, and more.

* Use the magic word “shout” to write a few words (+ emoji) in BIG letters on a background color or image. (Swipe left to add frames for an animated shout.)

* Use “draw” to post a doodle or sketch.

* Use “play” to start a game of Peachball.

* Use “song” to share whatever's playing right now. Friends can tap on the song to open it in Apple Music or Spotify.

* The magic word “rate” lets you give anything—anything!— a 1-5 star rating.

* Other magic words: gif, here, goodmorning, goodnight, mood, throwback, noise, battery, weather, move, meetings, dice, time, date, movie, tv, and game.
Bug fixes for iOS 11!

So you might have noticed that we don't actively support this app as much as we used to...still, we don't have any plans to take it down. We'll try to fix big bugs when we have a chance, so if you run into a big one and know how to reproduce it, DM us on Twitter @peachdotcool and we'll look into it.

<3 Team Peach

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