

当前位置:首页苹果软件社交 → Binky 1.1.0:英文苹果版app软件下载
Binky 1.1.0:英文苹果版app软件下载

Binky 1.1.0_ios

  • 分类:社交
  • 大小:25.5MB
  • 语言::英文
  • 版本:1.1.0
  • 时间:2022-07-17 15:40:01
  • 星级:
  • 官网:暂无
  • 厂商:
  • 平台:ios
  • 标签:


Binky is the most stress-free social media app ever! Think about all those times when you want to scroll through a feed on your phone, but you don't want to read depressing news articles or see photos from people who seem happier than you. Binky gives you the incessant micro-thrills of scrolling through stuff, never knowing what's coming next, without all the hassle. And the things you do in Binky don't end up on a server somewhere for the world to see. It's all the fun of social media with all the privacy you wish you had!


* An infinite list of random stuff (we call them "Binks"), with pictures. You won't care about some of them, but others will give you a fleeting feeling of satisfaction -- just like a real app!
* Each Bink has a Like button so that you can like it, just like a real app!
* Swipe left or right on Binks, because it's weirdly satisfying, just like a real app!
* Leave a comment! Unlike a real app, you don't have to stress about what to say. Just mash the keyboard and Binky will think of an appropriate comment for you! Where's THAT feature, Facebook?
* A "share" button that doesn't do anything!
* Scroll through over a thousand Binks, including: sawdust, Sam Cooke, rutabagas, laser tag, merman, mascara, puddles, and elbow.

If you read all the way through that last bullet point, you're already hooked. Download it today!

* A system keyboard that lets you leave Binky-style comments on any app!
* Clickable hashtags!
* More generic comments and hashtags!
* New binks! Sea Urchin, Milkshake, Coupons and many more!

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