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HUDManiaX 3.0.5:简体中文苹果版app软件下载

HUDManiaX 3.0.5_ios

  • 分类:导航
  • 大小:38MB
  • 语言::简体中文
  • 版本:3.0.5
  • 时间:2022-07-16 08:25:02
  • 星级:
  • 官网:暂无
  • 厂商:
  • 平台:ios
  • 标签:


HUDManiaX - a revolutionary tracking device!!!
iTunes Rewind 2010 iPhoneApp in Japan.

Presently the 2nd most popular application in Japan!! That`s saying something
when millions of applications are produced by the market leader in technology everyday!!

This outstanding GPS application lets you track your route and track your friends!

Screen display is out of this world!! An authentic Jet Fighter display with voice command and satellite view.

Test drive her at http://snow.dht.jp/hudmx/

This GPS is user friendly with a vast range of uses.

1. Route finder - lock in the location and GPS display gets you there!
2. Friend tracker - find out where your friends are!
3. Jet fighter display - route details - distance/altitude/pitch/horizon line/ZOOM/co-pilot voice command.
4. Satellite View- track direction through satellite view! or map view!

An incredibly advanced software that makes full use of all your phones sensors.
Great for people on foot, train or passenger in a vehicle!

The Manic GPS X is for entertainment purposes only.
Driver should not use it while vehicle is in motion as it is dangerous. Follow traffic rules and drive safely.
This application uses a high amount of battery power. We recommend using it while your iPhone is plugged in to a power source.
If you think, "Wow, I can get all these features at the price of a chocolate bar then buy the Human GPS X device right away!

iPhone 4G 3GS (recommended) or 3G.

Enhance your driving experience today!

iOS10 Available
3603.html">Google Map SDK 2.0.1 Available.
Graph plot new logic.

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