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tv show tracker 3 4.7.4:其它语言苹果版app软件下载

tv show tracker 3 4.7.4_ios

  • 分类:阅读
  • 大小:28.5MB
  • 语言::其它语言
  • 版本:4.7.4
  • 时间:2022-06-26 17:40:01
  • 星级:
  • 官网:暂无
  • 厂商:
  • 平台:ios
  • 标签:


Track your favorite TV Shows with a simple and elegant app featuring:

- iCloud sync between your different devices (iPhone and iPad app)
- A Today widget to see what's coming Today and Tomorrow at a glance
- Notifications when a new episode is about to air

And even more:

- Browse all the episodes ever announced for each of your favorite TV Shows.
- Get a quick overview of all the upcoming episodes and those you didn't watch yet for all of your shows.
- Display as application badge count the number of episodes you didn't watch yet ( count live updated as soon as new episodes air).
- Get the synopsis, a screen capture for each episode.
- Mark the episodes you've already seen to remember exactly what you have to watch next.

- Macstories.net
"TV Show Tracker definitely belongs on anyone’s home-screen if they care about knowing when their favorite shows are going to air."

- AppAdvice.com
"I feel that this app is great for anyone that likes to keep on top of their favorite TV shows. Never miss an episode again!"

Follow @tvclubapp on Twitter to get news, sneak peeks, enter give-aways and get support about TV Club and other upcoming releases of Pixel-Perfect Widgets.

Please find terms of use on https://www.tvclub.app/tos.html

Fixed an issue with show time in Boise and Vancouver time zones.

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