

当前位置:首页苹果软件美食佳饮 → Recifoto 2.0简体中文苹果版app软件下载
Recifoto 2.0简体中文苹果版app软件下载

Recifoto 2.0_ios

  • 分类:美食佳饮
  • 大小:28MB
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 版本:2.0
  • 时间:2022-05-18 08:20:01
  • 星级:
  • 官网:暂无
  • 厂商:
  • 平台:ios
  • 标签:


Recifoto makes saving and sharing your recipes easy. Register so that you can add your own recipes, and view them on all your devices. Together, we#039;ll build the world#039;s largest collection of recipes.

Take a picture of the recipe you want to save, or load it from your device’s album. You can make it Private, so that only you have access to it, or share it with other Recifoto users by making it Public. The only information you have to enter is the recipe’s name - you can even use your iPhone#039;s microphone to dictate the title. There is no tedious entry of ingredients or instructions. You can add a Hashtag (#) so that your recipe can be searchable by that label (i.e. #dessert).

If you see a Hashtag in a recipe#039;s title, tap it to see other similarly labeled recipes.

You can scroll through the countless recipes on the site with a flick of your finger.

If you make a one time In App Purchase, you can add a public recipe to your own Collection with a tap on the button below the recipe.

To share a recipe, just tap on it, hit the share button and e mail it, Tweet it, send it to Facebook or other social media, or save it to your device’s album.

Recifoto features a Search function to search recipes by name. The search page will also show you what the most popular searches are.

You can also Like and Comment on recipes.

If you have boxes or piles of recipes and you want to store them in the Cloud and share them quickly and easily with your friends and family, Recifoto is the app for you. Just snap, save, share and savor!

-Landscape View
-Bug fixes
-New color scheme
-Eliminated in app purchase
-Eliminated ads in the My Recipe page

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