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UCSE InterviewV1.1.5_中文安卓app手机软件下载

UCSE Interview

  • 分类:网络通信
  • 大小:18.42M
  • 语言:中文
  • 版本:V1.1.5
  • 时间:2022-04-24 11:48:01
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 厂商:
  • 平台:安卓4.4以上
  • 标签: 需要联网无广告英文
video interview


UCSE Interview is a mobile software designed for parents to watch video interviews of their kids and helps pull families closer.
A smile, they are doing well on the other side of the ocean;
A praise, you can celebrate for their happiness;
Although they are thousands of miles away, they are also near at hand;
UCSE Interview, helps pull distance closer.
With UCSE Interview, parents are able to view video interviews of their kids, listen to their voices, and learn about their real life in the United States. UCSE Interview is a mobile software designed for parents to watch video interviews of their kids. By using UCSE Interview, host will interview kids and people around them (homstay families, teachers, classmates, etc.) to discuss their daily lives which gives parents the most comprehensive and latest information on their kids and helps pull families closer. Students can easily enter interview room with a room key and talk freely with the host. The application is simple and easy to operate, providing HD interview video.
Function Introduction:
[Real-time video call] One on one video call with HD quality, achieves zero distance communication.
[Interview reminder settings] Automatically reminds participants before interview starts, how thoughtful!


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